Providing Life-changing Career Coaching Services

Job Search
Career coaching helps you get a new job faster. In a study conducted by the worldwide outplacement company of Lee, Hecht, Harrison, researchers found that individuals using a career coach found a job 15-46% faster (varies by income level).
In years past, job seekers could get by with a single resume, mailed out to a few published openings and get work; however, that is no longer true. Job search today is much different and most people have inadequate or very little knowledge on how to effectively obtain a job.
Career coaching works with the job seeker to develop targeted job search strategies to proactively seek out work. Potential challenges are uncovered and resolved. Career coaching will help the job seeker to become well known for a set of strengths, talents, and knowledge that are in market demand. Coaching provides accountability to the job seeker and perhaps most importantly, encouragement through a very stressful time.

Outplacement For Organizations
When organizations announce layoffs, they face negative backlash and resulting damage to their brand. In the 2017 CareerArc Employer Branding Study, 66% of candidates reported they had shared their negative thoughts about an employer that had laid them off, and 64% of consumers reported they had stopped purchasing products from a brand after hearing news of that company’s poor employee treatment. In addition, employees’ negative reviews on sites such as Glassdoor can make it hard for the company to recruit and retain talent in the future.
Companies can decrease the likelihood for negative reviews by offering outplacement services, which helps employees depart on a more positive note. Your Fulfilling Life Career Coaching provides one-on-one coaching for those affected by reductions in force. Sessions are customized to meet the needs of every individual, providing a unique strategy for each person coached.

Student Careeer Coaching
Parents, is your high school student feeling overwhelmed and struggling to discover what career is right for them?
Do you want to help them, but not sure how?
You play a pivotal role in helping your child prepare for their future. Position your student for success by giving the gift of one-on-one career coaching to achieve career clarity.
The M.A.P.® Process is a career coaching program designed specifically for students. Like a road map for a journey, the M.A.P.® process is a 4-session step-by-step process to guide your high school student in discovering their unique career path. Participants will gain greater self-awareness by understanding interests, strengths, and personality traits. Your student will also gain insight into what is personally meaningful to them and how their work can be fulfilling.
Avoid wasting time, money, and energy by helping your child to make wise decisions about their future.
Investment is $350 and includes four 1 hour one-on-one sessions, and 3 assessments (interest, strengths, and personality). All sessions are customized to your student’s unique needs.